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导读:六重戒之说四众过戒与酤酒戒---万佛圣城在家菩萨戒手册(中英双语版)说四众过戒第五5.The Fifth Major Precept: The Precept againstSpeaking of...


5.The Fifth Major Precept: The Precept againstSpeaking of Offenses Committed by Members of the Fourfold Assembly



In accordance with the Upasaka/Upasika Precepts, even for the sake of sustaining our own body or life, we should not announce or discuss any offenses or faults of Bhikshus, Bhikshunis, Upasakas, or Upasikas. When this Precept is breached, the violator thereupon loses this Upasaka/Upasika Precept.

Such a person cannot even attain the Dharma of the Level of Heat, much less the Fruition of Shrotaapanna, up to and including the Fruition of Anagamin.

Such a person is called a Precept-breaking Upasaka/Upasika, a despicable Upasaka/Upasika, an outcast, a defiled Upasaka/Upasika, and an Upasaka/Upasika in bondage. This is the Fifth Major Precept.


6.The Sixth Major Precept: The Precept against Dealing in Intoxicants, Drugs, and Stimulants


In accordance with the Upasaka/Upasika Precepts, even for the sake of sustaining our own body or life, we should not deal in intoxicants, drugs, or stimulants. When this Precept is breached, the violator thereupon loses this Upasaka/Upasika Precept.

Such a person cannot even attain the Dharma of the Level of Heat, much less the Fruition of Shrotaapanna, up to and including the Fruition of Anagamin.

Such a person is called a Precept-breaking Upasaka/Upasika, a despicable Upasaka/Upasika, an outcast, a defiled Upasaka/Upasika, and an Upasaka/Upasika in bondage. This is the sixth major Precept.


[Shakyamuni Buddha, addressing the elder's son Wholesome Birth:] Good man! If, after having received the transmission of these Upasaka/Upasika Precepts, a person can uphold them with utmost sincerity and guard against infraction and transgression, such a person will accordingly attain the Fruition of these Precepts.


Good man! The Upasaka/Upasika Precepts are called strands of gems and adornments. Their fragrance is subtle, wonderful and pervades everywhere. The Precepts shield us from unwholesome dharmas and function as the Vinaya of wholesome dharmas. They are a treasury of unsurpassed, wondrous jewels. They are the great, still, and quiet place of supremely noble birth, the flavor of sweet dew, and the ground that nurtures wholesome dharmas.

The straightforward intent to receive and uphold them alone will bring us limitless benefits. How much the more is that the case when we are further able to single-mindedly receive and uphold these Precepts without transgression!